Not only will viewers know who nabbed the Republican and Democratic nominations, but the heated election will hit its apex in the Scandal finale as candidates choose their running mates among some surprising faces.
But it wouldn’t be a true Scandal election without some behind-the-scenes manipulation, putting someone’s life on the line in the process. Scott Foley and Joshua Malina provide the inside scoop in a special finale edition of ‘Folina: A Scandal Hangover Blog.’
JOSHUA MALINA: This is it, dude. The last episode of Season 5.
MALINA: Interesting thing: it’s actually spelled “finale.”
FOLEY: And look at us, we made it into the magazine proper.
MALINA: The ultimate achievement for two guys writing a free blog for a major entertainment publication. So, this episode knocked everyone out at the table read. I counted seven twists and six to eight turns. The script resolves a lot of the issues we’ve been pondering for much of this season, like whether David Rosen survives.
FOLEY: Of all the things that I’ve been pondering, that wasn’t one of them.
MALINA: And that hurts.
FOLEY: The finale really lays out all of the pieces for next season, character by character. Where they fall with regards to the upcoming election, what roles they’ll play — or not play — in it. What relationships are progressing, which ones are not…
MALINA: Speaking of the Scandal Presidential election, some surprising choices for veep! What Sanders and Trump might call “yuge.”
FOLEY: Right. And nothing any of us had predicted. A lot of jaws on the floor in the table read room.
MALINA: And, of course, the Vice President is always just a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
FOLEY: Yes. And heartbeats often stop on… Scandal.
MALINA: Only on ABC.
FOLEY: I believe we did a pretty good job of teasing the finale without actually saying anything of substance.
MALINA: Yeah. I think Shonda would approve.
MALINA: Love you, mean it.
Scandal airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.
A version of this story originally appeared in Entertainment Weekly issue #1413, on newsstands now or available here.